Freitag, 27. April 2012


...a new blog is boring I know...but one more doesn't hurt so I will give it a try and hopefully succeed to improve and regularly show my art, which isn't too easy for me as I am far away from which I wish to be able to. But to give it some kind of optimistic aspect, no master is born as a master, ok let's be honest some really are, but continous work and training can improve everything, so I hope it will work for me too. As it is very unlikely someone will ever read this post, beside me, my mama and someone I'd pay to I can spare more bla bla.
Hmm yea but if anyone does it read anyway, I'd very happy and grateful for any comment and especially critique. I hope I didn't waste your time but thanks a lot for visitig my blog, wish you the best and hope you visit least someday :-).

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