Sonntag, 29. April 2012

A farmes fate revised

ok here is the 2.0 Version or at least 1.01: fixed some issues, like the perspective, smoke, bus appearance... hope it improved at least a little bit :-)

Freitag, 27. April 2012

A farmers fate - oh woman where are you? Critique and advice are very welcome!

The Meat Selling Woman

...the first picture...damn ugly! However the butcher shop in old socialism was nearly completely empty, ah yes beside some old hanging fat, and now the counters are full of all kind of meat, one thing never changed: the meat selling woman.
Critique and advice are very welcome!


...a new blog is boring I know...but one more doesn't hurt so I will give it a try and hopefully succeed to improve and regularly show my art, which isn't too easy for me as I am far away from which I wish to be able to. But to give it some kind of optimistic aspect, no master is born as a master, ok let's be honest some really are, but continous work and training can improve everything, so I hope it will work for me too. As it is very unlikely someone will ever read this post, beside me, my mama and someone I'd pay to I can spare more bla bla.
Hmm yea but if anyone does it read anyway, I'd very happy and grateful for any comment and especially critique. I hope I didn't waste your time but thanks a lot for visitig my blog, wish you the best and hope you visit least someday :-).