Sonntag, 31. März 2013

Head 10

...didn't turn out as wanted, but didn`t have too much time to mess around, so hopefully it gets better next time lol, I hope you like it though. And as this is just a sketch - its more intended to learn, so I hope to have learned something...ah I forgot to comes head number 10. Cheers and best regards.

P.S. If you are celebrating Easter then of course happy Easter to all of you and your family, if not, just some great and hopefully relaxed days and also all the best :D!

Samstag, 30. März 2013

Freitag, 29. März 2013

Head 8 with little delay, but also a little a more worked out sketch, hopefully with some positive effect lol. Critique and advice are as always very welcome. Many thanks for stopping by, cheers and best regards :-)!

Mittwoch, 27. März 2013

Head 7 comes the 7th head, which makes one week complete :-). Cheers and new head will follow tomorrow.

Montag, 25. März 2013

Head 4 (special guest: Franck Ribery)

  yesterday was my little brothers birthday so the 4th daily head comes with a little delay, and because it was my brothers birthday the 4th head is for him, it's his favourite player Franck Ribery! I hope you like it, cheers and have a great week...and once again happy birthday my little brother :-).


Sonntag, 24. März 2013

Donnerstag, 21. März 2013

Head 1

As a daily exercise I decided to post one head daily, the heads might differ in quality, appearance, style, technique etc.. I hope to put some extra pressure on me to get some posting continuity, lol at least I'll try, hopefully there will be at least one head you like. Whenever I miss out without reason you'll have to grouse with me :-)! ...ah so hear is head no 1...cheers !

Fallout Pete

Here comes a new character design, or at least a try, this time its a post apocalyptic survivor named Fallout Pete. I hope you like it, suggestions, critique and advice are of course very welcome :-).
Cheers and all the best to you!

Montag, 11. März 2013

Dwalgar Boarspine

 Dwalgar Boarspine

This time something different from the last paintings: a new try in concept and character design out a dwarf - the mighty Dwalgar Boarspine bwahaha :-)...hope its better this time and you like it! Critique and Advice are as always very welcome! Cheers and all the best.

Freitag, 1. März 2013


Nowadays even often love became like a transfer picture of our throwaway society, but isn't it better to work on something than throw it away just because it makes some trouble right now!?
Hope you like it, cheers and best regards!